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There is a new face around Charlevoix county government. Her name is Wendy Beal.
Beal appeared at the Charlevoix County Commission meeting earlier this week to complain about Charlevoix County officials. She herself lives in Antrim County.
What is her interest in Charlevoix County, you may ask? Well, she is a member of an anti-government group which also boasts Greg Karam, another Antrim County resident and friend/supporter/contributor to former Charlevoix County prosecuting attorney John Jarema, as a member. From all appearances – Jarema, Karam and Beal have joined forces to harass Charlevoix County officials and those who dare to run for office.
Beal has posted items on the internet, claiming that a number of present and former county officials have “a history of domestic violence in their families.” Of course, none of the people she names have ever been convicted or even charged with domestic violence. Two of them were allegedly victims of domestic violence. It seems odd that Jarema cronies, who should be well aware of the Crime Victims Rights Act would be so nonchalant about violating it as well as the Michigan Constitution.
Link To The Charlevoix Truthteller (?) : http://chxtruthteller.wordpress.com/
As I stated in an earlier post, our comment section has been spammed by the blog The Charlevoix Truthteller. I did not want to give them free advertising and their blog appeared to be an attempt to smear John Jarema.
Now they are going after me and my children in an attempt to humiliate us. I got used to the taunts years ago when the other kids weren't allowed to play with me because my father went to prison for raping me since infancy.
They have not posted any documentation and they hide behind anonymity, claiming that they can't reveal their identity because we will try to destroy their lives and careers. I don't understand how us posting news articles and speaking our minds at an open public meeting is harassment.
Roger Conaway, Bob Taylor and I all spoke at the commissioners meeting about what we believe to be the truth about several elected officials.
If anyone feels harassed that wasn't my intention. I had no idea that Telgenhof was even going to be there, but we still spoke truth to power with him and his goon squad in the room.
The creators of the Truthteller are convinced that this is all about him.
As I have said numerous times before, as I look into allegations against Jarema, I seem to keep finding information about his accusers that casts them in a negative light.
We try to deal in facts and have several news articles, court documents and other reliable sources to verify what we are asserting about the Good Old Boys up here in Northern Michigan.
The truth is our defense.
The Pretty Lie asks those behind the "Truthteller" to reveal their identity (as I have) and provide us with proof (as we have) of our anti- government group involvement as they allege.
This is an outright lie.
Does this group have a name? If they have evidence that anyone involved with this blog is involved in anti-government activity, where is the proof?
I personally belong to the following groups - Lawless America, Parents For Children and Michigan For Parental Rights.
These are not anti-government groups, they are anti-corruption groups. These allegations are very serious and I am requesting that the false allegations be removed from their blog immediately.
As for the low blow regarding my family's history of dysfunction, I already anticipated this behavior years ago and have the truth posted in Antrim County Confidential and A Story Of Eviction on this blog.
Mrs. Telgie threatened me in a sense at the courthouse when she asked me how I would like having my past put in the newspaper. I told her to go right ahead and she apparently did.(My opinion only)
It is disturbing that they have to re-victimize victims to deflect from their own lack of character and integrity.
As for the Sandy Hook article posted on TPL, I just posted some links. That doesn't mean that I believe every word in every article that I link to but sometimes there are links in the body of the article to legitimate news sources.
The Truthteller's smear campaign against private citizens is harassment.
To be continued........