Saturday, February 1, 2014

California Water Rationing: Is It Coming to a City or State Near You?


The California state water project has announced that beginning in the spring of 2014 they will no longer send water to local agencies. This move affects the drinking water of 25 million people and affects nearly one million acres of farmland.
This is an unprecedented act by the agency and officials have stated it is the only time in the agency’s 54-year history a move like this has been made.
The move affects 29 different agencies across the state, and it has been noted however that those affected do have other resources, such as federally run reservoirs and canals, but the state is in a severe drought and water is becoming scarcer by the day.
The governor of the state has asked everyone to reduce consumption by at least 20 percent. This drought is considered the worst in a century. Lack of a snow pack and little rain over the last three years has contributed significantly to the problem.
The governor was quoted as saying that “all options have to be on the table” when talking about the “toilet to tap” process and other ideas bandied about. The process would take flushed toilet water and filter it back into the drinking water supply. The governor was also quoted as saying, “it is ultimately the home, and every day this drought goes on, we’re going to have to tighten the screws on what people are doing” (Elex Michaelson, 2014).
Those annoying health nuts that insist people drink water everyday is obviously the problem, eight glasses a day indeed they must have not gotten the memo about cutting back. Maybe the politicians that have known of this for years are the problem. Could it be the rich elites that fill their Olympic sized swimming pools every day or the environmentalists that have contributed to the problem?

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