Thursday, June 5, 2014

Catholic Church vs NWO

Vatic Note:  This below is from a slightly different perspective and is done in an historical foundation.  I find that we will be very surprised at the adversarial position the church had with the Khazar bankers.  That does not mean the catholic church is a good guy.... it doesn't.   It simply means they are being used to cover up for the bigger criminal element that runs them all.

That is the international Khazar Rothschild Bankers... and until they are fully brought down, it will continue on and on and on, building up countries economies and then crashing them,  tearing them apart and finally destroying their culture, nation and identities that have been the glue that has kept many of those societies together in a coherent system of "civilized" life, that served their people well, and advanced their culture in such a manner that the results served man kind in many delightful ways, much of which is  now disappearing, since the demon seed has taken over.  Does anyone remember the "golden age of Greece?" or the beauty reintroduced by the emerging renaissance of the 1700 and 1800's? 

Go back a few days ago and read those protocols, since the Catholic church is mentioned in them,  as a scape goat to be used for the Zionist khazar plans for world domination and how we will turn to the khazars to clean up the chaos and mess that the Catholic church has created.  Well, the infiltration of that institution along with many others including governments, is all part of the master plan for deception as the WMD to be used by the Khazar Zionist bankers to gain control over the globe. 

This whole issue of who is what,  is as muddy as ever, since those guiding all this have done an excellent job of hiding the truth.  I put this up to give a totally diffrent prespective and to give real Catholic parishioners a chance to decide for themselves since they live daily with this church and its leaders.   Remember, keeping an open mind, is the first step to awakening and truth along with knowledge.  One surprise for me were the number of popes that did not like Rothschild bankers and called them Modernists and the popes preached against them.   Anyway, you read and decide.  

Catholic Church vs NWO
by admin,  Political Velcraft


Pope Pius X  4 August 1903 – 20 August 1914 (11 years, 16 days) was the first Pope canonized since St. Pius V in 1672.
Saint Pope Pius X
4 August 1903
– 20 August 1914
(11 years, 16 days) was the first Pope Canonized since St. Pius V in 1672.

The Reluctant Pope

Pope Leo XIII once given a most terrifying vision wherein he beheld Satan and his agents soon to be reigning triumphantly over the world. The Holy Father died a short time later, on July 20, 1903. On that mournful occasion Cardinal Sarto, knowing of the unequaled evils of the times to come, said that the Church must choose only a very holy man for her next pope, and he urged Venice to “pray that God may send to His Church a Shepherd after His own Heart.”
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  2. Obama’s 2014 Iraq Footprint: January 1,840 Dead February 1,700 Dead ~ Hellfire Missile Supplied Drones!
  3. Next Phase Of Illuminati aka; Rothschild’s Megalomaniac Global NWO Financial Crisis About To Get Started: Its Also Time To Turn Off His Own Water & Power!

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