Monday, June 2, 2014

Dave Hodges Has Not Left the Building

The Common Sense Show

There are inherent risks to the work that the truthful media performs, just as the families of Breitbart, Hastings and Clancy can attest to.
Since Senator McCain and his friends attempted to steal my property and that of 300 of my neighbors over a decade ago, I have learned how truly corrupt and evil so many of our elected officials and corporations truly are. Yes, I have interviewed Congressmen, Gubernatorial candidates and other elected officials and many of these folks are people of integrity who love America. However, they appear to be in the minority because there are scores of public officials who go to Washington to merely enrich themselves at the peoples’ expense. Some of these corrupt officials have committed treasonous and sometimes heinous acts upon the American people in their quest for glory and gold as they serve the interests of those who are not interested in the preservation of America. These corrupt officials and corporate executives deserve to be exposed for what they are and my efforts have been consistent in this endeavor.
For my entire adult life, I have spent my professional energies trying to lift people up, whether I was working as an educator, coach or counselor. I have always had a soft spot in my heart for the abused and the underdog as evidenced for my support of Stacy Lynne and Monika Wesolowski who have unceremoniously had their children ripped away from them by a corrupt CPS/legal system without so much of a charge or allegation levied against them. I am unable to turn my back on injustices such as these as I have always felt compelled to speak out on behalf of the downtrodden.
Recently, events have transpired which necessitated me to re-evaluate my professional mission.
As many of you know, my website has been down since mid-day, Friday, May 30, 2014. This action was deemed necessary because of an all-out attack, on multiple fronts, upon my life and the lives of my family. Given the nature of the events that were spiraling out of control at that time, I decided to execute a strategic withdrawal in order to gather my thoughts as I considered my course of action. Hence, I was offline for nearly three days.

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