Friday, June 20, 2014

Will You Survive Being Sent To A FEMA Camp?

Will You Survive Being Sent To A FEMA Camp?

Our banker hijacked government has eviscerated the Constitution through tyrannical legislative acts such as
The Military Commissions Act,
The Patriot Acts I and II,
The John Warner Defense Act,
Quantitative Easing III and to infinity. These events explain why a mass incarceration/genocide is a potential event in the future of America. Why? Simple, we are on the precipice of World War III with Russia and we are a false flag event away from total martial law and the above legislative acts and executive orders stand in evidence of this position.
This article does not debate the existence of FEMA Camps (i.e. Concentration Camps), they exist. Rather, this article examines what one could do to survive a period in our future where nobody is safe and anyone for any reason could be sent to a concentration camp.

The Legal Infrastructure Is In Place for Mass Detentions

The NDAA should scare the life out of every American Citizen. This allows the government the authority to secretly arrest Americans, without due process, torture and even murder American citizens without so much as a trial.
The National Defense Resources Preparedness allows the president, without going through the U.S. Congress, the ability to seize control of all corporate assets, manufacturing operations, and conscript American civilians into work brigades (i.e. slave labor), seize all food, impose restrictions and rations on all vital resources and to hand these resources to the Department of Homeland Security. Section 201 of this Executive Order allows the president to seize control of all corporate infrastructure, manufacturing operations, control of food, control of farm equipment, control of fuel, control electricity, control of water resources, and control of all civilian transportation.
It is also been documented that the existence and operational activation of FEMA camps is now a provable fact as reported by CBS News. Let’s not kid ourselves, FEMA camps are the future concentration camps.
There are many other examples of impending government tyranny that could easily be pointed out here. However, the above-mentioned governmental policies are all the proof that America needs to come to the realization that we are all in a great deal of potential danger and that you, the American middle class, already are the targets of this tyrannical oppression.
If elements of your government were not planning to commit mass incarcerations and/or genocide against the American people, then why would these policies be enacted? Should we just think that the government doesn’t really mean it when they say they can secretly arrest and murder Americans without following the due process of law under the NDAA? Should we think is just a silly conspiracy theory when we state that Obama has given himself the authority to seize every meaningful asset in this country based solely on his own personal say-so? Is America so dumbed-down to not be able recognize the danger when it’s staring us in the face, The danger is in print, click on the hypertext links and read for yourself that the elite are telling you what they are planning to do to you.
I find it laughable how the country has been conditioned to laugh at any kind of  conspiracy theory, as if two evil men would never get together and conspire to do anything. The refusal of Americans to recognize these dangers, and dismiss them as merely wild-eyed conspiracy theories, speaks to how dumbed down our people have become due to a substandard education system and through the controlled corporate media in which only five corporations own over 95% of the entire media industrial complex.

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