Saturday, December 5, 2015

The Quiet Power Behind the Trump Throne Ivanka Trump is her father’s most influential adviser, his most powerful surrogate—and his total opposite

You will not find a wall adorned with framed magazine covers in Ivanka Trump’s office. For that sort of thing you’ll have to visit her father, who can look up from his desk and see himself beaming down from Time and Playboy. In fact, on the day we met for a conversation about my biography of Donald Trump, Ivanka, 33, had placed a framed article about herself on the floor. That’s not to say that the former model, and current fashion and real estate exec doesn’t revel in her fair share of the spotlight. Ivanka’s face has adorned magazine covers for years, from Seventeen to Shape to Harper’s Bazaar. But, unlike the father, the daughter seems so secure about herself and her prominence that she doesn’t need to brag. As the second-most famous member of a family that all but fetishizes good breeding—brother Donald Jr. calls it the “racehorse theory” of talent—Ivanka seems to be missing the desperation gene that drives her father’s constant pursuit of clicks and clippings.

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