Home relies on a nonexistent ‘Shore Avenue’ on the beach

When the Smiths packed up for the season in 2011 and left Northern Michigan for their homes elsewhere in the country, the building in front of their cottage was little more than a falling-down shack, something that had been there as long as anyone could remember.
When they returned the following spring, the shack was gone and in its place stood a towering house, blocking much of their view.
How the house could be constructed and whether the Onekama Township zoning administrator followed the law when she granted permission became the subject of a lawsuit that pitted neighbor against neighbor and the Smith family against the township.
Along the way the lawsuit saw the township agree to change the way it does business and a judge rule that in this case a Lake Michigan beach could legally be considered a road that a waterfront property owner could use as a driveway .
Read more here:
Attorney Karen Ferguson/ Norwood Township/ NTCHS overview.
Wynkoop mine controversy
Jan. 31 with updates through Dec. 26
Wayne Wynkoop’s limestone quarry was “silenced” after Judge Thomas G. Power overturned a Norwood Township Zoning Board of Appeals decision from mid-May 2006 that upheld Wynkoop’s right to mine the property.
During the hearing, attorney for Norwood Township Citizens for Health and Safety, Karen Ferguson, accused Wynkoop of everything from destroying the Fritz Trail site and excavating without permits to having a conflict of interest by bringing his quarry proposal before the board on which he served.
The judge did not acknowledge the Fritz Trail comment and asked Ferguson if she contacted the proper authorities if she thought Wynkoop had worked without proper permits.
More details on the Wynkoop tragedy.
More Links:
And Christopher Grobbel. Allegedly he is affiliated with all of these special interest groups such as the NTCHS, the Three Lakes Association, Tip of The Mitt Watershed,etc.
It is also alleged that he was hired by attorney Karen Ferguson (who was hired by the NTCHS to destroy Wayne Wynkoop"s ambition of mining his property) and was accused by Wayne Wynkoop at a public meeting of trespassing on his property. (Allegedly the photos against Wayne presented by Grobbel proved that as far as Wayne was concerned) ( See below linked article and it appears that Grobbel had to be told NOT TO TRESPASS on those people's property.)
More to come, as this blog is still under instruction. Stay tuned for Torture Lake, coming soon to The Pretty Lie.
Links to Grobbel/Wynkoop matter.
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