Saturday, September 21, 2013

Anesthesia – Evil Queen of Cryptocracy

[The crypto queen anesthetizer was called out so well by the Peakster on her psychotropic drug campaign it just begged having her taken to the woodshed again, with a new flourish. Enjoy.]
by Zen Gardner
Sounds exotic, but it’s true. The system’s gone nuts, things have cut loose. And while an ever widening swathe of humanity is rippling into various levels of awakening, those still under the spell of the matrix’ hypnotic sirens are falling ever deeper into a drugged slumber. All by design.Humanity’s been carefully anesthetized.
Things are moving so fast and crazy and in so many weird directions now it’s tantamount to mass insanity. Yet despite the awakened people screaming and pointing out the in-your-face lies and affronts to humanity, most still don’t even notice, and that’s the weirdest thing of all. That polarization is what compounds the problem, and that’s why the cryptos love to try to divide us in every way they can.
Beware. False flags and media circus events are carefully placed and timed psycho-spiritual detonation devices with clear intentions at many levels.
The biggest division you won’t hear a peep about in the mainstream is between those who dare wake up to reality vs. those who continue on within the projected mind frame. That would be a clear admission that their reality ain’t necessarily so, so they have to mock, demonized and ignore our very existence.
But we won’t be ignored any longer.

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