By March 29, 2011
An Example Of Judicial Incompetency In Michigan
Steve Dibert, MFI-Miami
It’s pretty hard to be deemed incompetent and crooked but 86th District Court Judge Michael Haley pulled it off
This picturesque region of Northern Michigan is known as the birthplace of the Michigan Militia, welfare recipients abusing the system but yet argue they’re not the problem, Republicans who believe Larry the Cable Guy is the apex of Western culture, Fox News junkies who believe all of Glenn Beck’s crazy paranoid propaganda. It’s also the only place in the free world where Nazis can still get a public proclamation from elected officials.
In other words, it’s a great place if David Lynch ever decided to do a re-visioning of Green Acres.
86th District Judge Michael Haley has a past that would make a sane person scratch your head and wonder how anyone in the jurisdiction of the 86th District Court would ever vote for someone who has demonstrated not only an inability to effectively represent his clients in the courtroom but has no problem disrespecting the office to which he was elected. Kind of like the way suburbanites in Southeast Michigan used to scratch their heads wondering how anyone in Detroit could re-elect Kwame Kilpatrick.
In 2003, Judge Michael Haley while sitting on the bench in an open court room accepted tickets to a University of Michigan football game from an attorney, Richard Benedict, a former judge, who was pleading a case for a woman who lost control of her car and destroyed a sign in front of the shop of a local Florist. After Benedict and the Prosecutor couldn’t reach an agreement over restitution, Benedict then placed two University of Michigan football tickets on the bench, at which time Benedict and Judge Haley engaged in the following verbal exchange.
Read the rest here:
Read the rest here:
More damage caused by this Antrim County judge:
It's another black eye for court, legal system
Taxpayers foot bill for judge's defense
It's another black eye for court, legal system
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