Students at Florida State University hold vigil following Nov. 20th shootings
Photo by Mark Wallheiser/Getty Images
According to the accounts of friends, 6 months into his job as a state prosecutor in a county district attorney's office in New Mexico, May experienced difficulty concentrating. His mind was so readily distracted that he reported to friends that he had decided to see a psychologist. He emerged from the appointment with an antidepressant medication prescription as well as a prescription for a medication used to treat attention deficit difficulties such as ADD and ADHD. He faithfully took the medicines for three weeks and then experienced a panic attack at work. A week later another panic attack came and he returned to the psychologist, who changed his medication to a combination of Wellbutrin and Vyvanse. All of the medications offered to this individual carry risks of adverse effects, including anxiety and psychotic symptoms.
READ MORE: http://www.examiner.com/article/fsu-shooter-episode-exposes-the-corruption-of-mental-health-care-america
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