Keep an Eye on Him

Missouri map with Skidmore locator
McElroy had gotten word that he was the subject of a rump session down at the local Legion Hall. Sixty frustrated, frightened men had demanded that the local sheriff brief them on what they could do to safeguard themselves from McElroy, a notorious bully and master manipulator of the criminal justice system.

Ken McElroy
Someone at the meeting said, "But isn't that your job, sheriff?"
That simple question was the essence of what would happen in Skidmore that day, July 10, 1981. It was clear law enforcers had not done their job. And this compelled to action certain members of the community.
McElroy had shown up at an inopportune moment, just as some of the oppressed men of Skidmore finally decided to do something about their scourge.
Ken McElroy was an evil lout that "needed killing", as a character in the movie "The Searchers" put it. "All that evil needs to flourish is for good men to do nothing." On July 10th, 1981, good men in Skidmore, MO finally did something that their law and justice system would not ...