Message from ANONYMOUS - Operation: "Notice to All Public Servants" (Video & Text)
Published on Nov 16, 2014
Greetings, world.
We Are Anonymous.
This is a call for a change of heart to all public servants!
Let us start with the reminder that each & every one of you are here to serve the people. No government ever created a man, but a man creates government. As you might have heard by now, on Monday, November the 10th, the writ of Quo Warranto went out to all district, federal, & Supreme Court judges in all fifty states in the United States.
In it, ALL the public servants are ORDERED by the people to start doing their real job, which is serving the very people who put them in the office or vacate the office immediately. If you all have not seen the writ, ask your superiors about it. It is the will of the people & you are put on notice here with. It is high noon that you realize that we the people will NOT take this fraud that has been going on for the last 143 years. We say to all the corrupt public servants out there: WE DO NOT CONSENT anymore & WE ORDER YOU to start working for us NOW!
We order you to adhere to the letter of law & NOT codes & statutes because they are a private set of rules created ONLY for the corporations. We the people are NOT corporations and we will NOT be used for your gains nor' financial or political manipulations. You cannot serve two masters, the "BAR" & the people. We are calling on all of you to get over to the right side, the side of a living man who was created by his creator with the purpose of serving another man.
The Constituted Unified Common Law Grand Jury of the fifty states of the United States of America constituted in all 3,133 counties has spoken against injustice, against crimes in the highest offices, against violation of their oaths of office, against unconstitutional legislations, against legal harassment, against financial slavery by international bankers, against profiteering, and creating unconstitutional so-called, "government agencies", against treason. There is no hiding behind immunity of any of the offices anymore. Let us start working together. The time of fraud is over.
MORE WITH VIDEO HERE: http://www.rumormillnews.com/cgi-bin/forum.cgi?read=4337
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