Bloomberg, Oct. 30, 2014: Judge Janis L. Sammartino… denied the request by [Tepco] to dismiss… Tepco had argued the U.S. military had contributed to the plaintiffs’ harm…
Charles Bonner & Cabral Bonner & Paul Garner, Esq. Press Release (via Nuclear Hotseat), Oct. 29, 2014: U.S. Navy Sailors have won a crucial battle… A Federal judge has ruled that the sailors’ class action law suit may go forward… 200 young sailors [say] TEPCO deliberately lied to the public and the U.S. Navy about the radiation levels… Up to 70,000 U.S. citizens were potentially affected by the radiation and will be able to join the class action suit… The lawsuit includes claims for illnesses such as Leukemia, ulcers, gall bladder removals, brain cancer, brain tumors, testicular cancer, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, thyroid illnesses, stomach ailments and a host of other complaints unusual in such young adults… One Sailor, age 22… states, “Upon my return from Operation Tomodachi, I began losing my eyesight.I lost all vision in my left eye and most vision in my right eye. I am unable to read street signs and am no longer able to drive… I know of no family members who have had leukemia.”… The sailors would like the general public to contact their members of Congress, locally elected officials, and President Obama and implore them to tell the Government of Japan to (1) apply the principles of “Operation Tomodachi” to the Plaintiff-victims and help these U.S. Sailors; and (2) tell TEPCO to stop shirking responsibility…
READ MORE: http://enenews.com/sailors-won-major-battle-lawsuit-fukushima-exposures-200-people-navy-marines-leukemia-organs-removed-brain-tumors-cancer-blindness-govt-fukushima-terrible-tragedy-navy-threat-didnt-very-interes
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