Over three million pounds of oiled material have been found in Louisiana this year [Erika Blumenfeld/Al Jazeera]
Oldspeak: “Three and a half years later, BP is spending more money – I want you to hear this – they are spending more money on television commercials than they have on actually restoring the natural resources they impacted.” -Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. Three years after well blowout, declining seafood catches and deformities point to an environment in distress.” -Dahr Jamail
“Governor Jindal was being kind. BP willfully & irreparably destroyed an entire ocean ecosystem to conceal the magnitude of their toxic waste spill & minimize their legal liability. And they are spending ass tons more money trying to convince people that everything is just fine, when the reality is everything is just bad to WORSE, than they are trying to restore or clean the ecosystem they destroyed. Ignore the BP produced propaganda films crowing about how the gulf’s beaches are open, and its seafood is safe, and how stringent their safety protocols and new drilling technologies are. It’s all bullshit. Tar and oil is still washing up on beaches, fish and wildlife stocks have plummeted, some are just gone & fishing commerce has ground to near halt.
MORE HERE: http://countdowntozerotime.com/2013/10/25/were-seeing-things-weve-never-seen-beforeeverything-out-there-is-dead-gulf-of-mexico-ecosystem-in-crisis-3-years-after-bp-oil-spill/
AND HERE: Reader: The Rockefellers own 28 percent of BP through their Morgan Chase Bank
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