Investigators say adopted boys lived under hellish conditions
The adopted children took their meals apart from the rest of the family, the ones related by blood who sat down together.
The boys were told to stay in their room and stay quiet. They were often required to eat standing up. Sometimes they ate peanut butter sandwiches, and sometimes they ate mush.
Here is what investigators say the daily menu at the Loesch residence consisted of, at least for two adopted boys, who were ages 13 and 10 at the time they were removed from the home in July:
For breakfast, they got “soggy corn flakes.” For lunch and dinner, they got peanut butter sandwiches. With dinner, they got “an inch of water” to wash it down.
“While other family members ate prepared and varied meals, these children were required to continuously eat nothing but peanut butter sandwiches,” the investigator wrote.
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