Tuesday, March 10, 2015

American Citizens Robbed, Pillaged And Enslaved In Their Own Land – A 1932 Warning Of The Danger Of The Federal Reserve

On June 10th, 1932, Congressman Louis T. McFadden, a former banker who was at that time the chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee, gave an impassioned speech on the House floor regarding the threat to our nation posed by the Federal Reserve System.  Rep McFadden recognized the destructive impact it would have on our country and urged that it be eliminated and that the United States return to sound banking practices.
Congressman McFadden was prophetic in his warnings; our present day reality was the future he wanted us desperately to avoid. America is being raped by international parasitic pirates, with our assets, our sovereignty and our survival as a free nation now in serious jeopardy.
READ MORE:http://www.rickwells.us/american-citizens-robbed-pillaged-and-enslaved-in-their-own-land-a-1932-warning-of-the-danger-of-the-federal-reserve/

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