Tuesday, March 10, 2015

David Icke on George H.W. Bush and His Satanic Pedophilia

Vatic Note:  George H.W. Bush is as satanic as they come, and David Icke does an incredible job of exposing it all.  He even talks about the role of the bloodline breeding program they have gone through that has contributed to their absolute absence of "EMPATHY" that they have which is complete and a total lack like no other we have seen in any psychopath, not of the bloodline.  

He talks about the vast amount of horror, torture, and sexual depravity that George HW has visited upon children, including murdering "who knows how many".  Remember at the Bohemian Grove, they burn in effigy, "Care", so that when they do what they do, they will not "CARE", and so they seek after that lack of empathy, so they are never inhibited in their insanity.
READ MORE:http://vaticproject.blogspot.com/2014/07/david-icke-on-george-hw-bush-and-his.html

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