Monday, March 9, 2015

Sweet Poison: How Did This Deadly Toxin Find Its Way to Our Markets?

“Last year I decided to do the right thing and try to rip off a bit of the weight that has crept up on me over the years. As well as dusting off my old push bike and increasing my physical activity, I made a few dietary changes. My wife and I both have a sweet tooth, and if there’s chocolate in the house, it will get eaten, so we cut out a lot of things like that.

“After making, what I thought were positive changes, I started noticing I was getting bad headaches, and a tightness of my neck and back muscles. They started off as just something that would happen now and then, but increased to almost every night. I tried everything, and nothing worked!
“Finally, I took a step back and thought about each thing I had done differently in the last 6 months. Then it hit me! In trying to lower my sugar intake, I had swapped sugar in my tea and coffee for Equal. Could that be responsible for my headaches?

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