Thursday, April 16, 2015

All Hail Hillary: Students Locked In Classrooms As Clinton Visits "Everyday Iowans"

Yesterday we were told about Hillary's "Everyday Americans" and exposed the ugly reality of just who stands behind her. Today she meets with some "Everyday Iowans" but as you will read... the attendees were carefully selected and students were locked inside classrooms to avoid any embarrassing questions being asked...
As Mike Krieger of Liberty Blitzkrieg blog exclaims, You can’t make this up. You really can’t.
So just days after oligarch extraordinaire Hillary Clinton finally put us out of our misery and announced her campaign for the U.S. Presidency, she decided it would be shrewd to kick things off by “having conversations with everyday Iowans” via a “van tour.” These aren’t my words, it is exactly how the PR stunt was marketed by her campaign. See:
Screen Shot 2015-04-15 at 10.31.04 AM
Naturally, the whole thing was staged, and the experience of most “everyday Iowans” was far from any sort of conversation. In fact, many were locked in their classrooms to prevent her highness from even having to view the rabble.

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