Sunday, April 12, 2015

BREAKING: Raw Video Shows Cops Shoot, Kill Subdued Man, Mock Him While He Lay Dying

Tulsa, Okla. – The final tragic moments of Eric Harris’s life were caught on video, as well as the sociopathic nature of law enforcement. Harris was accidently shot by a reserve deputy, apparently meaning to taser him, while on the ground being subdued by other officers.
Harris can be seen on the video running from police as the officer with the body cam gives chase, catching and taking Harris to the ground. Once on the ground the officer can be heard telling Harris, “Roll on your stomach now.”
Reserve officer Robert Bates, 73, can then be heard yelling “Tazer! Tazer!” as if to inform the other officer that he was about to use his stun gun on Harris, when suddenly a gunshot rings out.
“I shot him!” the stunned reserve officer says, as he drops his gun onto the ground. “I’m sorry.”
Tragically the next moments reveal the callous nature of law enforcement as the Harris is manhandled on the ground by the cops, after being shot, with an officer pressing his face into the ground with his knee.
An irate officer can then be seen screaming in the face of the bleeding gunshot victim yelling, “You ran! You f—kin ran! Shut the f— up!” as if running was some type of rational explanation for shooting him.


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