Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Bush vs. Clinton: Embezzlement, Government Fraud, Elitism, and the American Presidency

As American media propagandizes its citizens to prepare them for the elite’s picks for the next president, those of us who follow US politics can see the game is completely rigged already. This election, in fact, could be the most dangerous in American history, given the state of America’s economy, foreign policy, and current international reputation.

The top picks, of course, are once again a Bush and a Clinton — whose families together have been in 9 of the last 10 presidential elections. They are the definition of wannabe-royalty in a country that claims to be a pure democracy. Both are also mega-wealthy elitists who happily receive huge sums of money from big business, both at home and abroad, to abuse any power and authority, or connections, they have.
Somehow they are always in positions of high government, and now, most likely, the American people will be steered and forced into picking one or the other again to lead their country into chaos; and one is just as bad as the other.

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