Saturday, April 18, 2015

Jade Helm Is Designed to Take America Directly Into World War III

For the past three years I have been repeating the mantra that we would see the destruction of America coming in three waves:
1. A series of False Flag attacks on American soil.
2. The extraction of Red List dissidents.
3. Resulting martial law coupled with foreign troop occupation.
4. Once the country is subjugated, we would be thrown into World War III.
Stunning new photos, just taken yesterday reveal that Jade Helm is not just about martial law.
The sheer size and scope of the Jade Helm extraction and martial law drills overrides every military function in the country. In other words, if something related to the military is transpiring, in one way or another, it has something to do with Jade Helm.  In this light, Jade Helm 15 has just taken a very dangerous turn which has very strong implications for every single American.

The Connection Between Jade Helm and ISIS


Under Jade Helm, Extracted American Resistance Leaders Will be Sent to Guantanamo



Jade Helm and the Forced Relocation of Tens of Millions of Americans



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