Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Stop the State of Michigan from executing a sale of over 10,000 acres of public forest land in the eastern Upper Peninsula for mining operations.

The “Rexton Project- Greymont” involves the sale of 10,178 acres of Michigan’s state owned land by the Michigan Department of Natural (MI DNR) resources. The MI DNR will be paid $4,537,029.00 by Greymont Inc. (a Canadian mining company) for land and mineral rights. 1,665 acres will be used to create a new strip mine. 7,026 acres will be used for a new underground mine. The remaining land would be used for mining support infrastructure. Greymont Inc. also plans to build a processing facility for mined limestone and dolomite. The land involved in this sale is mostly undeveloped forests in the eastern Upper Peninsula of Michigan. This land sale would be the largest of its kind in Michigan State history, but there is strong public opposition. The MI DNR director Keith Creagh has signed off on this land transaction despite strong public opposition. We need the support of the petition to stop this sale of public land and the planned mining operations.
READ MORE:https://www.change.org/p/stop-the-state-of-michigan-from-selling-over-10-000-acres-of-public-forest-land-to-a-private-canadian-mining-company-for-strip-and-underground-mines?recruiter=28267852&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=share_facebook_responsive&utm_term=des-md-no_src-no_msg&fb_ref=Default

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