Monday, April 13, 2015

The Bizarre Deaths of the Waco Branch Davidians

"Torch the Mother Do it today!" That was the direct order given Janet Reno’s Justice Department by Hillary Rodham Clinton from the East Wing of the White House. And so, on the morning of April 19, the day beginning the witches’ annual High Holy Days, on the 51st day of the siege, the combined forces of the FBI’s and the Army’s dreaded Delta Force Nightstalkers lit into the beleaguered men, women, and children held up inside their Branch Davidian church/home just outside Waco, Texas.
They ran wild, ravaging and slaughtering. Then, besotted by blood, their satanic lust and fury to kill satiated, the FBI and U.S. Army Nightstalker mass murderers took a few moments to stalk their lifeless prey, walking to and forth in the burning rubble, casting their jerky, nervous eyes to and fro over the smoldering ruins and the burnt and mutilated corpses of their seventy-six victims. Like cannibalistic savages, some took pictures of each other while pridefully holding in their hands the charred heads of their victims.

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