Sunday, April 19, 2015

They Are Preparing For Something Huge - Walmart, Jade Helm, USNORTHCOM 'Critical Infrastructure' Flashback - The Stampede Of The Trojan Horse Herd Is Now Underway!!!

There are a lot of people hearing alarm bells going off in their heads with the recent announcement of multiple Walmart Supercenters closing, all at once, in multiple states (some of which are states being prepared for the Jade Helm military exercises), all claiming a "plumbing" issue, with recent news of some type of underground tunnel projects involving Walmart and DHS.

Further research and a connection of dots, much like putting the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle together, shows a terrifying picture emerging as each new piece is added, where we see a definite China connection, Walmart and Caterpillar both shuttering facilities, and both listed by USNORTHCOM in 2009 as part of a "critical infrastructure"  as part of their disaster response coordination.

Joe Catalino, USNORTHCOM Chief of Private Sector Operations, Interagency Coordination Directorate, discussed his role in working with agencies and private-sector companies. The Interagency Coordination Directorate works directly with private corporations like Wal-Mart and Caterpillar to list resources and services available when they are needed.....

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