Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Warrant Issuing Judge in Stanley Children Kidnapping Case Forces Sheriff Deputy to Reveal Documents

Health Impact News and Staff
Reporter Clay Herrmann of the Hot Springs Daily News in Hot Springs Arkansas has published copies of the Search Warrant, the Affidavit for the Search Warrant, and the Search Warrant Return form used to take the seven children out of the Stanley home on January 12, 2015 with the full force of a tactical SWAT-style team. As has previously been reported, the children were removed by Garland County Sheriff Deputy Sgt. Michael Wright, against the protests of social service workers and a medical team who were present at the scene and saw nothing warranting the children’s removal.
Until Mr. Herrmann’s investigative report, the Affidavit for the Search Warrant could not be located, even after attempts to procure it were made by the family’s attorney. Mr. Herrmann went directly to the judge who issued the warrant:

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