Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The 13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati

In part 1 of this 3 part series, Dazzling1 discuss the serpent seed theory and how it relates to the 13 bloodlines, and the Astor and Bundy bloodline. 
Thirteen families or bloodlines are at the top, and five of these families are the inside core of these thirteen. Prior to Be Wise As Serpents, the existence of thirteen top families was not known by very many people. The existence of the 13 families had come out in Berry Smith’s book Final Notice in the 1980s, but the names were still unknown.
Berry Smith of Australia wrote in his book Final Notice p. 9, “There are 13 families or groups heading up the World Government plan. These families are portrayed as the 13 layers of blocks found on the strange seal on the reverse side of the U.S. $1 bill.” In a little read article, one SRA victim recently wrote that Satanism was controlled by a few families. Recently, one of the Du Ponts was on a television show because the DuPonts were trying to kidnap him because they didn’t like his support for the book Dope. Inc. I was able to get a copy of the book, and was overjoyed to find such an excellent book.
My sources have been telling me that the top Illuminati families were behind the drug trade. Yes, Satan’s top followers are also the kingpins in destroying humanity for profit through drug trafficking.

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