Friday, November 27, 2015

Obama Is Turning the United States Over to the Russians

Obama is preparing to hand the United States over to the Russians. Be prepared America, you are about to become Amerika. This is the story about how Obama is in the process of turning the United States over to the Putin and the Russians
Talk show host, Dan Cofall, recently asked me a question that many readers have also asked.
Why would Obama allow Russian soldiers into the country during a period of time that World War III seems like a certainty and Obama seems to be preparing to go to war with the Russians?
I agree that that on the surface, this seems like a gross contradiction in facts, unless of course, one considers that Obama is a traitor to the American people and is an active participant in the demise of the United States. This notion gets legs when one considers that Obama is scaling down the American miliary to pre-World War II levels at the precise time that America should be beefing up its defenses in preparation for war that will likely kick off in Syria. In short, Obama is playing for the other team. His objective of fundamentally transforming America, includes throwing the United States of America to the wolves. He is the modern day manifestation of Benedict Arnold.
We do not even know who Obama is. Who was his high school English teacher? Who was his basketball coach. Who did he take to the prom? We knew nothing about this Manchurian candidate, yet, we elected him to be the President? Why was his mother working Tim Geithner’s father at the CIA PSYOPS Ford Foundation which was associated with MK-Ultra? The answer is simple, he is stunning example of a modern day Manchurian candidate. His CIA-created family cannot hide who he really is.

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