Tuesday, December 16, 2014

CIA = Murder Inc.

"Let's remember, the CIA's job is to go out and create wars." - Jesse Ventura
CIA = Murder Inc.
The motives behind the expose report on CIA practices of torture misses the critical issue surrounding the “Agency”. Most Democrats and many left wing partisans enjoy pointing the dagger at George W. Bush and his cabal of dedicated conspirators. While the first family of fascist facilitators are certainly an indefensible clan of criminals, the essential element about the Central Intelligence Agency is that gathering and interrupting clandestine tradecraft, produces little effect to enhance an American First foreign policy.
Those treasonous NeoCons, who infiltrated both parties, are dire hard globalists bent on fostering an international interventionist empire. Defending the use of a handbook for torture techniques is a task that only a sociopathic and deranged authoritarian undertakes.
The Hill report, Ex-CIA director defends rectal rehydration, is an exercise in fatuousness.
“Former CIA Director Gen. Michael Hayden on Thursday defended revelations from Senate Intelligence Committee Democrats that the agency used rectal rehydration on detainees.
“These were medical procedures,” Hayden said during a tense interview on CNN's "The Lead with Jake Tapper." He added that the method was used because detainees were dehydrated, and that giving them intravenous fluids with needles would be dangerous.”
Prancing out Dick "Darth Vader” Cheney to brag about his record of enhanced interrogation is consistent with the culture of obscene de-humanization that is always rationalized as protecting the “Homeland”. 
- See more at: http://www.batr.org/totalitariancollectivism/121614.html#sthash.nB4PbU70.dpuf

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