Saturday, December 13, 2014

'CIA paid me to use airstrip as rendition zone... and to look the other way': Former airport director reveals secret Polish staging post for U.S. torture programme

Deep in north-eastern Poland, a neglected airstrip has been identified as a key staging post in the CIA’s clandestine torture programme.
For the first time, a detailed picture of how the CIA flew terror suspects into Szymany and on to a nearby ‘dark site’ for brutal interrogations has emerged.
In an exclusive interview with The Mail on Sunday, the airport’s former managing director Mariola Przewlocka reveals:
Ashamed: Mariola Przewlocka, who spoke exclusively to the Mail on Sunday, at the entrance to Szymany airport
Ashamed: Mariola Przewlocka, who spoke exclusively to the Mail on Sunday, at the entrance to Szymany airport
  • Mysterious flights arrived with little notice – and up to six times the landing fees were paid by anonymous officials
  • Military cars with darkened windows took passengers from the plane in secret and off to a Polish military intelligence base
  • She believes she witnessed the arrival of September 11 ‘mastermind’ Khalid Sheikh Mohammed on a CIA Gulfstream jet – which later landed in Glasgow
  • Airport staff were forbidden to approach the aircraft
  • A quiet American woman, said to be ‘from the embassy’, once watched as a transfer took place
  • Basic safety rules were sometimes flouted.

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