Sunday, December 14, 2014

Cop Caught on Video Bragging About How He Just Killed A Man

“I dropped like a f**king bomb on his head!” “I tased a motherf**ker in custody today. I don’t care. I gotta call my PBA rep… when you kill someone… I already called them.”

Key West, FL — An internal investigation by the Key West Police department, into the in-custody death of 61-year-old Charles Eimers has resulted in, what the department refers to as “discipline,” for two officers.
The two officers on the receiving end of the “discipline” are Gary Lee Lovette and Henry del Valle, according to a report released Monday by police.
Lovette, according to a Florida Department of Law Enforcement summary released this past August, said on a Taser recording “I dropped like a f**king bomb on his [Eimers’] head.”
Lovette is expected to receive a five-day suspension without pay for actions including inappropriate remarks he made to employees of a Key West cupcake store that “gave the impression he had done something purposely wrong to cause Mr. Eimers’ death.”
According to KeysInfoNet, Lovette is also being punished for comments on a Taser recording that included words to co-workers and family members “that were lies and exaggerations concerning his actions during the Eimers incident.”
del Valle has received a letter of reprimand for engaging in “an unauthorized vehicle pursuit” of Eimers, including by not continuously operating his emergency lights and sirens during the pursuit.
Both officers can challenge their punishments. Police Chief Donie Lee said the disciplines and a majority of recommendations in the report have to do with policy issues.
“These policy violations had absolutely nothing to do with Mr. Eimers’ death,” Lee said.

The lack of punishment of these two officers however, is only the tip of the iceberg in a much larger tragedy of justice facilitated by the Key West Police Department and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

The original incident happened on Thanksgiving of 2013 when Elmers allegedly sped off from a traffic stop, leading police on a chase. From there, the “official account” of what happened begins to fall apart.

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