Sunday, December 14, 2014

DARPA creates first ever self-guiding bullets /

DARPA creates first ever self-guiding bullets
Camouflaged snipers are some of the most feared soldiers on any battlefield. From great distances and behind unseen barriers, sniper units can take their time targeting and picking off soldiers, delivering not only death but also an enormous psychological toll on the well-being of soldiers who can never be too careful on the ground. Unfortunately, the job of advancing infantry just got worse. Thanks to DARPA‘s Extreme Accuracy Tasked Ordnance (EXACTO) program, snipers will soon have the benefit of using self-guiding bullets, adding even greater accuracy to their intended targets.
After a series of successful tests conducted this year, the EXACTO program is finally releasing new footage of their self-guiding bullets in action. These .50 cal. projectiles can change direction mid-flight and function much like the laser-guided bombs first developed by the United States during the Vietnam war.

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