Sunday, December 14, 2014

Killed For Their Organs (VIDEO)

Body World exhibition
By: Island Girl | -
Another crime against humanity.
Dead human bodies are being injected with plastic and sent on a world tour, making German anatomist Gunther von Hagens extremely wealthy.
So, what is wrong with that, you ask?
Must be educational?
The Body World exhibition, as it is called, has been on a world tour for decades, but the snag is, claims have been made that the bodies of executed Chinese prisoners, which include prisoners of conscience, are spliced open and put on display around the world for the paying public, which includes many school groups.
An investigative journalist Ethan Gutmann is an expert on the topic of forced organ harvesting in China, where prisoners of conscience, mostly Falun Dafa practitioners, a peaceful spiritual discipline – are killed for their organs. He challenges von Hagen to allow the dead bodies in the exhibition to be DNA tested. “
“We now have a show which is travelling around which may have the DNA of murdered prisoners of conscience,” Gutmann said in an interview with NTD Television.
“I’m not an expert, but these look Chinese.””   “
There is another Body show going around the world.

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