Sunday, December 14, 2014

The Bogeyman has entered the nursery

In the nightmare world progressives are designing for civil society, little tots are no longer your little tots.  They are government-sought human resources to be raised as tomorrow’s anarchists.
“On Wednesday, the White House Summit on Early Education will unveil nearly $1 billion in new “investments” to “expand access to high-quality early childhood education to every child in America” from “birth and continuing to age 5.” It’s a retread of President Obama’s 2013 State of the Union school-spending plan, which was a repackaging of his 2011 Race to the Top — Early Learning Challenge program.” (Michelle Malkin, ‘Welcome to TotCare: Obama’s preschool takeover’, Dec. 10, 2014)
It’s no longer a matter of anybody’s guess, but on paper “every child in America” from “birth and continuing to age 5”.
If that chokehold on children is not Hitlerian, then what is? 
“Those Obama initiatives are knockoffs of moldy-old Democratic policy chestnuts, such as former Vice President Al Gore’s push to fund preschool for all 3-year-olds at a cost to taxpayers of at least $50 billion over 10 years, left-wing actor/director Rob Reiner’s “I Am Your Child” campaign for universal preschool and child care, and Hillary Clinton’s various “It Takes a Village” schemes to expand Head Start from womb to work. With age comes fiefdom.” (Malkin).
Take away the tinkling tune of the music box playing at baby’s crib and the wallpaper with childhood caricatures of nursery rhymes from Democratic policy for early childhood education, and all you have left is government-sanctioned kidnapping.

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