Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Clintons, Bush, Obama stand on ~500 million innocent dead from intentional wars & poverty: a pile of bodies equal to 23 NYC ‘Freedom Towers,’ and adding another every year. Arrests are when now???

“Crimes against humanity” include any of the following acts committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:
▪ murder;
▪ extermination;
▪ enslavement;…
▪ the crime of apartheid;
▪ other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering or serious bodily or mental injury.
This article documents that since Bill and Hillary Clinton occupied the White House over 23 years ago, ~500 million human beings have died from preventable poverty. So-called “developed nations” have promised to end global poverty since 1969; an accomplishment with technically easy solutions for sustainable human economic needs. These nations’ “leaders” have reneged on all promises to end poverty, public and private, despite an investment of just 0.7% of GNI for ten years that is overwhelmingly supported by those nations’ citizens.
We can calculate the physical volume of 500 million bodies. If we assume an average human dimension of 5 feet tall, average width of 1 foot, and average depth of .5 foot, this average is 2.5 cubic feet, with total of 1.25 billion cubic feet. The dimensions ofNYC’s One World Trade Center, the “Freedom Tower,” is 200 x 200 feet with a roof 1,368 feet high. If we just calculate its volume as a rectangular prism, we have a volume of ~55 million cubic feet.

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