Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Kalamazoo shootings suspect told police Uber app controlled him 'like A.I.' 911 audio depicts chaos from shootings

The 911 calls and arrest video from February's massacre in Kalamazoo depict the horror and chaos as a gunman struck again and again, leaving six people dead. 
Jason Dalton had his family dog in the car with him when he allegedly began his shooting rampage. Dalton apparently was working as an Uber driver and taking fares during his shooting spree. He blames the Uber app he was using for the violence, telling police after he was arrested Feb. 20 that the app took him over "like artificial intelligence that can tap into you body," according to a police document.
  • 14-year-old Kalamazoo shooting survivor to leave hospital
Six people were killed and another two were wounded when the shooter was finished. For all the bloodshed, he was eerily passive during his arrest. The arresting officer said Dalton was slow to respond to instructions. Video of the arrest shows the officer pull a pistol from the suspect's right pocket. When he asked if the gun was registered in his name, "Dalton did not respond to my questioning and continued staring blankly ahead the whole time while walking him to the patrol vehicle."

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