Tuesday, May 10, 2016

NFL Issues Warning — Steroid Level So High in Beef It’s Causing Players to Fail Drug Tests

Five months after Congress voted to remove mandatory country of origin labeling from pork and beef, the NFL is now warning players that meat produced in Mexico and China may contain clenbuterol, a substance banned by the league as a performance enhancing drug.
Clenbuterol is a muscle-building and weight-loss stimulant.
A memo from the league’s independent drug-testing administrator was sent out to players informing them that, “consuming large quantities of meat while visiting those particular countries may result in a positive test.”
“Players are warned to be aware of this issue when traveling to Mexico and China,” the memo went on to say. “Please take caution if you decide to consume meat, and understand that you do so at your own risk.”
The drug-testing program starkly warned that: “Players are responsible for what is in their bodies.”
Under normal circumstances, the policy would seem like common sense, but since the repeal of mandatory country of origin of meat labeling, Americans now have no way of identifying where their meat was produced. Much of the meat Americans are eating now, could very well be from Mexico and China.

Read more at http://thefreethoughtproject.com/steroid-level-high-beef-causing-nfl-players-fail-drug-tests/#WPMObq9J2YOcospI.99

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