Thursday, March 5, 2015

In ‘Eisenhower’s Death Camps’: A U.S. Prison Guard’s Story

Vatic Note:  This appeared in my presence, shortly after putting up the blog that showed all the allied leaders of WW II that were actually Khazars or better known as "Ashkenazi Jews".  I knew about Churchill and Stalin, but I did not know about Eisenhower, and that shocked me, and I am sure many of you had read that blog because it got an enormous number of hits.   

Well, that blog explains why this below happened, which I also did not know until well into researching WW II on this blog.   I learned that nothing was as we were told and now evidence is emerging that is supporting the real deaths and the "real Holocaust" that occurred.  I believe you will be completely suprised by this exposure of the Khazar bankers and what they allowed and authorized, through their leaders, to do to the German people.   Can you see this playing out the same way for us.  

The khazars that have infiltrated our government, military, intel etc,  have committed nazi type crimes, in the American peoples' name,  against the innocent people of the middle east and now it will be our turn to suffer the consequences of our allowing those atrocities to be done in our name.  Just the torture evidence alone shows crimes against humanity and that will not be dealt with easily.  

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