Tuesday, December 16, 2014

5 Signs a Spiritual Journey is in Order

I submit to you, if you are willing to take your foot off the pedal of your out-of-control, wasteful life, that there is a deep intelligence buried beneath your status anxiety.

This intelligence, so familiar to those who have not been ground through the unforgiving gears of the man-machine, yet misinterpreted by those who have, is knowing that things are not supposed to be this way.

Work isn’t supposed to suck. Leisure time isn’t supposed to be a “pie in the sky”. The air is not supposed to be saturated with smog. The Gulf of Mexico isn’t supposed to be drowning in spilled oil.

The Pacific Ocean isn’t supposed to be tainted with nuclear waste from the Japan nuclear plant disaster. Money is not supposed to matter more than the heart. Profit is not supposed to matter more than people. Most of all, love is not supposed to be something owned and clung to, but something lived through and then let go of.

If you can let these proclamations sink in –I mean really stop and feel the unhealthy fabricated reality that has been constructed around you without your permission– it will take your breath away.

It will, in fact, break your heart. Just remember: there’s nothing wrong with YOU. But there is everything wrong with the unhealthy culture you have been raised in. You do have a choice, however: become the change you wish to see in the unhealthy culture, or become a product of the unhealthy culture.

One of the best ways to become the change you wish to see in the world is to go on a spiritual journey. Here then are five signs that a spiritual journey is in order.
- See more at: http://humansarefree.com/2014/12/5-signs-spiritual-journey-is-in-order.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+blogspot%2FYTqom+%28Humans+Are+Free-Blog%29#sthash.8hMxjDIM.dpuf

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