Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Americans threatened by own ‘fascistic’ government: Scholar

The greatest threat Americans face today is from their own “fascistic” government and by a “militarized police” that is trained in Israel to treat US citizens as enemies, an American scholar and journalist says.
“The world needs to understand, Americans confront a threat from their own government,” said James Henry Fetzer, who’s also an editor at Veterans Today and a retired professor in Madison, Wisconsin.
“The Department of Homeland Security was modeled after the East German Stasi that was widely recognized to be the most effective secret police in world history,” Fetzer told Pres TV on Monday.
“There’s an attempt going on here in the United States to militarize the police, many of whom are being trained in Israel to turn them into regarding American citizens as the enemy, just as the Israelis treat Palestinians the enemy,” he stated.
READ MORE:http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/12/16/390424/fascistic-us-govt-threatens-own-people/

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