Sunday, December 14, 2014

Pope Francis Says That Holiday Gifts Are Made By “Modern Day Slaves”

Pope_Francis_at_Varginha_(2)A Speech that Pope Francis is scheduled to give in January will reportedly call on consumers to stray from buying products which may have been manfucated by slave labor.
Strangely, the speech will be given on January 1st, which is just after, instead of before, the Christmas holiday.
The speech will be called “No longer slaves, but brothers and sisters,” and parts of the transcript were published by the Vatican earlier this week.
The speech will attack governments and law enforcement as well as businesses and multi-national corporations, calling attention to their shared responsibility in the existence of child slavery, sex slavery and general exploitation of people.
Since he was put into power, Pope Francis has been working to manage some of the public relations blunders that the church has been wrapped up in over the years. This pope has spoken kindly of non-believers and homosexuals, but at the same time has also advocated for some startling economic measures to be implemented worldwide.

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