Saturday, December 13, 2014

Triumph Of Double Speak

By Jim Kirwan
When the New Millennium was planned it was created to be the crowning
 achievement of tyranny and treason over all of humanity: Not just in the USA
 but throughout the world.
What we are seeing with the empty-release of the totally redacted non-report on
 the CIA’s part in “torture” that was blatant from 2003 until this moment. This
 farce is the government’s idea of “dealing with” some of the most grievous
 crimes committed in history, in order to try to move forward without charging
 anyone with any of the global-crimes that were created to finish the destruction
 of human society worldwide.
This week we are being shown the death of words and the language itself
 when it comes to “fake-justifications” for the decades of global-crimes 
that will never go away until those responsible for these global-barbarities
 are tried and punished publicly for trying to kill or steal the entire planet.
 This supposed “report” is the height of arrogance which surrounds the 
idea that anyone could ever believe this blatant attempt to deceive what 
remains of the world today.U.S. of Torture
Filthy Harry Truman who created the CIA along with the UN and Israel’s phony
 papers to join the community of nations which gave Israel entre to everything 
illegal in this nation, since Wilson illegally gave away the American right to print
 our own money to the Rothschild’s and their criminal banking system, just over
 one hundred years ago in 1913.
The arrival of the New Millennium was supposed to be the crowning 
achievement over all those previous contributing crimes from 1913
 forward, that was supposed to have ended already in the total surrender 
of the entire world at the feet of these unworldly monsters that are
 claiming to be both “The Exceptional People”, in the case of Israel:
 And “The Exceptional Nation” 
in the case of the now defeated USA.
Yet even after all these years: U.S. Inc. has still not succeeded in finishing off
 their organized murder of the people of the old United States? Something
 continues to go wrong with their plans: Because by now most of us should all
 be dead and the filth who claim to own us should be reigning in their 
self-professed victories over all of us, instead of hiding behind the threadbare
 curtains and trying to figure out what the hell to do next?
We know the public is fearful of what’s coming: What too many have overlooked
 is that those who want to murder the public are also gutless in the extreme. But 
they know the truth that the public remains unaware of. That’s that they don’t
 have the numbers or the trained ‘troops’ to do what they keep on promising to
 do to the public. They can indeed make examples of us; one city at a time but if
 the mood of the public spreads they will be as helpless as bumble-bees trapped
 in a jar just waiting for their air to run out.
Moreover, the Barbarians have made several of the ultimate mistakes according
 to Sun Tzu. The 8,000 year old expert on war recommends that no attacking 
force should ever completely surround their enemy ­ because with “nothing left 
to lose” any enemy will fight much harder than if they had been left a way to just 
escape. And of course Sun Tzu condemns entirely the idea of believing in your
 own PR ­ something which these bumbling fools have been doing since day one!
Remember this was never about “capturing people” or defeating anyone: 
This is and always was about exterminating over 95% of the planet.
 the global public still doesn’t understand this clearly, we’re all about to
 in the quicksand
 unless we free ourselves from this global tar-baby and end the lives of 
those that designed this nightmare from the beginning…

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