Saturday, December 13, 2014

Profiles In Madness

Madness is lunacy. Lunacy, demonically spawned, with anti-life motivations is technically termed psychopathy.
There are two distinct brands of psychopathy: the successful and the failed.
Successful psychopaths outnumber the failed ones. Nevertheless, both kinds of insanity control the state and federal governments of America.
Successful psychopaths are successful because they so accurately mimic acceptable behavior, while covertly harming as many people as possible.
The warmongers in government are excellent examples of successful psychopaths.
How can this be?
Successful governmental psychopaths easily convince zombie TV addicts that the depleting uranium (DU) bombs we expended on millions of innocent souls were acts of kindness, because the US then made those countries free for democracy.
Please tell me what good is a democracy in a land that has been made radioactive for billions of years, with no known way of cleaning it up?
These TV-propaganda guzzlers actually believe that the incendiary bombs that burned babies alive were sent with kind intentions.
Axiom: The more ignorant a population becomes, the less clever psychopaths need to be in order to remain successful ­ meaning going undetected as psychopaths.
The Western media is careful not to educate the public about how to spot successful psychopaths, but not so with failed psychopaths. We all get more than a daily dose of the profiles of failed psychopaths ­ like Jeffrey Dahmer.

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