Saturday, December 13, 2014

America: The land of the bigoted

Protesters in Ferguson, Missouri, the US holding signs to call for justice in the police shooting of black teenager Michael Brown (file photo)
Protesters in Ferguson, Missouri, the US holding signs to call for justice in the police shooting of black teenager Michael Brown (file photo)
Sat Dec 13, 2014 4:17PM GMT

By Tim King
The Western media is a treacherous entity and in its hand is the future of an already volatile world. Police killings of black men in Missouri and New York are but a microcosm of the bigger picture at hand. The deaths of Eric Garner and Michael Brown are simply snapshots of an extraordinary problem.
When my oldest brother was born in 1945, the United States was still two years away from the desegregation of blacks in the US military. Blacks were viewed so poorly that even the idea of flying airplanes seemed impossible to White politicians and military leaders. During the Second World War, the time of the so-called “Greatest Generation,” blacks were openly ridiculed, viewed as animals, and banned from opportunities that existed for whites.
That is extremely recent history.
When my father was born, in 1917, lynchings of blacks and other minorities were still taking place in not just the deep south, but even in places like New York and California. Racism has no boundaries and no bigger example of this exists than national and world media and press.
Black Americans have not been given the freedom, room or tools to grow as free people in the United States, at least not until recent years, and still not in every situation.
When blacks conformed to the expectations of the white-dominated culture in the US, they were still subjugated to hatred and indifference, and in some cases, such as the Race Riots in Tulsa, Oklahoma in 1921, where success among African-Americans only tended to infuriate angry racist whites even more... they were simply mass murdered. White mobs stole the lives of hundreds of blacks in Tulsa during that event and to this day, the city of Tulsa refuses to allow a massive grave containing the remains of these black Tulsans to be investigated.
The lessons paint a different picture than the one being communicated by racist tools like Bill O’Reilly from FOX News. Media people like O’Reilly conceal their thinly veiled hatred in a way that fools most of their right-wing viewership, but not a single individual with moral fortitude or a free, uncorrupted mind. What O’Reilly knows and capitalizes on constantly is the intense fear that lurks in the hearts of white Americans, particularly those who view themselves as “conservative” and overwhelmingly, those from the former Confederate states. Contrary to popular thought, only a tiny fraction of “conservative” Americans serve in the military; this is particularly true among the ranks of Republican politicians, but extends to the majority of those who boast of their right-wing, pro-police and pro-war tendencies.

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