Thursday, July 10, 2014

Devil Face in Smoke of 911 at the WTC


You may have heard of the pictures taken of the World Trade Center while it was burning, in which the smoke formed the face of Satan. Some of these photos can be seen on videos of the blast. I have included an animation from another website that shows the same demon face. Then the second set of photos are yellow and red and the shape indicates that it is from exploding/burning jet fuel. You can also see lots of debri falling from the result of the impact and explosions.
The two in the middle I got from a video; I paused it and did a screen-capture to make the jpg photo, and the one on the right is enlarged. So I know for a fact that these pictures have NOT been altered in any way.face
People may ask themselves, why would there be faces in the smoke, and also, why so many? I believe I know the answer to that question.

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