Valerie Snyder
We are still looking into Mrs. Snyder's suitability to become the next Charlevoix County Circuit Court judge.
She was a supporter/sponsor of the new Charlevoix County prosecutor Allen Telgenhof. We have blogged extensively on Mr. Telgenhof due to his poor behavior that makes him appear to be a hypocrite in the eyes of some.
His alleged indiscretions include domestic violence (he was not arrested by the Charlevoix County Sheriff for some reason, then was given a free pass from the AG's special prosecutor Erin House in Antrim County)
See the evidence and listen to his wife's 911 call and decide if you really want this guy to prosecute you. LINK:
It has been alleged that Mr. Telgenhof has written checks while having no money in the bank,(some for shirts for the team of children he coaches(Charlevoix County High School Baseball), he also bounced checks to a local storage facility and then cut the owners lock off and took his stuff out anyhow. He eventually paid up, but what he did is a crime.
As a school board member, an attorney and now candidate for judge, we feel that Mrs. Snyder should explain her support of Telgenhof.
Did she know about the domestic violence and endorse him anyhow? If so, why?
It is public knowledge that the Telgenhof's were sued by a former landlord for theft of their property, bad checks for rent and damage to their home. Did Mrs. Snyder know about this, too? If so, what did she do with this knowledge?
It is bad enough that this guy is prosecuting people, but do we really want him as a coach for impressionable youngsters?
What message is this sending to our kids? What if he freaks out on the kids like he did his couch? Listen to 911 tape at link above.It is our opinion that this guy is a loose cannon.
It is disturbing that so many people in positions of power endorsed Telgenhof. Could it be that they needed John Jarema out of office because he wouldn't play ball with the Good Old Boy's Club? Much more on that soon.
Speaking Of The Good Old Boy Club, I came across this interesting article. The nepotism is quite evident.
Valerie Snyder resigns from Charlevoix board, father Josh Barnes steps in
CHARLEVOIX - Two-term Charlevoix County Commissioner Valerie Snyder provided her colleagues with a bit of high drama at Wednesday's board meeting. Actually, several bits.
After listening to a detailed presentation of a proposed regulation that would ban smoking in public and private workplaces in the four-county health district, Snyder changed her position and cast the decisive vote to make Charlevoix the third county to adopt the measure.
The proposal, already approved unanimously by the Emmet and Otsego county boards, provides that all four boards in the health district must approve the measure before it can go into effect. Only Antrim has yet to vote, and a no vote by Snyder would have doomed the proposal.
Snyder then announced her resignation from the board, effective today (Thursday), citing her pending move to Henderson, Nev., with her husband, Mark, and two children, allowing that she would return to Charlevoix for the summer.
Valerie Snyder For Judge
And from Facebook
We think that it is time that the members of the school board look long and hard at Mr. Telgenhof and think about the following questions.
"Does the Charlevoix School Board condone domestic violence? Does the school board care who represents the school and who mentors our youth? Why is a coach who bites his wife employed by the School Board? It appears that they condone this behavior. The elected school board members, including Valerie Snyder [former law partner to the biter and who is now running for Judge] are going to make the 'Cast of Characters' on this blog.
Contact Information For Char-Em School Board
The voters need to really investigate the candidates in the upcoming elections. We neither want or need more people in power who will use their position to improve the lives of their cronies, while destroying the lives others who are meaningless to the local elite.
We are sick of business as usual and the generational handing off of the political power. It is time for someone else to have a chance to make a difference. (We see how well that turned out for John Jarema)
We will add more information as it becomes available.
Update 2/5/2014
Mrs. Snyder and the Charlevoix County community Foundation
Mrs. Snyder and the Charlevoix County community Foundation
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