Is this Mary Beth Kur or "Ms. Kerr"?
We at The Pretty Lie feel that it is our duty to look into the backgrounds of those individuals who want to run for public office because the local media has failed us greatly. The most recent Charlevoix prosecutor's race is a perfect example of The Good Old Boy Club in action.
More Here:
The real Telgenhof - behavior fitting for a prosecuting attorney, don't you think? Complete with photos:
Because they refused to print letters to the editors of the local papers regarding Allen Telgenhof and the allegations of domestic violence against him, Charlevoix County now has a prosecutor and youth baseball coach with questionable ethics.
Mary Beth Kur endorsed Telgenhof and supported his election bid due to her intense and much publicized dislike for his opponent John Jarema. Apparently that wasn't the first time that she let her emotions override her judgement.
While doing some research I misspelled Ms. Kur's last name and I found a very interesting court document from 2008.
Here is what I ascertained from reading about this case. Someone referred to only as"Ms. Kerr" who was prosecutor of Charlevoix County decided to testify against her former band teacher who had sexual relations with several young students in Michigan and Florida.
"Ms. Kerr" apparently became sexually involved with her teacher while in middle school and she continued to see him sexually even after she was in college. She only spoke out against this creep after he remarried and after she became prosecutor.
According to the new wife - "She denied any sexual activity with petitioner while she was in middle school or high
school, specifically denied seeing Young in the file room with petitioner as Young alleged, and
denied ever engaging in an act of oral sex with petitioner in a car as Kerr had alleged. (Tr. Vol.
VIII, pp. 1395-96) She stated that Kerr was “stalking” her and that Kerr was jealous and in
competition with her. (Tr. Vol. IX, p. 1451)"
Does anyone else have a problem with her silence on such a serious topic which resulted in several other young girls being sexually abused by her lover? Why didn't she speak up and save those girl's from having their lives destroyed by this man?
And some more highlights from this court document regarding" Ms. Kerr". (I wonder why they spelled her name wrong? Repeatedly......)
Other women from both Michigan and Florida testified as Rule 404b similar acts
witnesses to petitioner’s conduct. Each witness had prior conversations with the other witnesses
and had shared their stories. Some were pursuing civil actions for money damages against
petitioner. One witness was Ms. Kerr, a sitting elected prosecutor and former assistant
prosecutor in Genesee County, alleged that she had victimized by petitioner. Ms. Kerr had been
a student of petitioner’s in the 1970s, contemporaneously with Elizabeth Crear (petitioner’s
second wife). Ms. Kerr also had contact with witnesses from Florida who were pursuing a civil
suit against Mr. Crear following his acquittal on charges there. Ms. Kerr stated that she went to
Whittier in 1976-1977, later graduated from college and law school, and was at the time of trial
the elected prosecutor of Charlevoix County, Michigan. (Tr. Vol. IV, pp. 459-461) Ms. Kerr
claimed a sexual relationship with petitioner during her eighth grade year. (Tr. Vol. IV, pp. 469-
470) She did not report these acts to her parents or school officials at that time. (Tr. Vol. IV, p.
485) She continued her relationship with petitioner, according to her testimony, during her high
school and college years. He was the center of her life. (Tr. Vol. IV, p. 486) They had
numerous acts of oral and vaginal sex. (Tr. Vol. IV, pp. 495-499) She later became mad, or at
least upset, at him after he changed his phone number to an unlisted one and she was unable to
contact him. (Tr. Vol. IV, pp. 559-561) While shopping at a mall in 1987, she ran into Linda
Craig, a woman she had known in school. After her conversation with Linda Craig, she decided
to go to school officials in Flint and make a complaint about petitioner. (Tr. Vol. IV, p. 527)
She also made an anonymous phone call to the Miami school system about Mr. Crear and had
thought about getting such revenge when she was 18 years old. (Tr. Vol. IV, p. 530) Ms. Kerr
also admitted that she had contacted many of the other witnesses. (E.g. Posner FL Dep. Tr. 213,
FL trial Tr. 114-115)
The good stuff starts on page 6.
In case they use their connections to take this link down, I have also saved it on Google documents at this link.
From OTIS:
Geroge Crear III - convicted pervert / teacher
Articles about the weirdo band teacher at links below:,4514771
And then there is this quote from the Petoskey News Review article announcing her candidacy.
“Our current judge, Richard M. Pajtas, has established and maintained extremely high standards in the operation of our court during his tenure,” Kur said. “I would be honored to follow him and feel confident in my abilities to maintain those high standards. I have worked with and have great respect for several other people I know who are interested in this position. Our campaign will focus on those qualities we feel make me the best person for this very important job. Speaking for everyone involved in my campaign, I can safely say that we, along with most of the people we know, have grown very weary of any sort of personal attacks and negative, hurtful attempts to win elections at all levels.”
Do the citizen's of Charlevoix really want someone with standards as high as Judge Pajtas? Please see our research on Pajtas and the role that he played in the tragic suicide of Wayne Wynkoop. (As we have mentioned before, Mary Beth Kur FOIA'd Wayne Wynkoops death investigation/ autopsy report - Why?)
Ask the Wynkoop's how they feel about Pajtas and his high standards. Ask Albert Frost how he feels about Pajtas and his high standards. He had property worth more than 2 million dollars and when Pajtas and Co. were done with him he says he got $8.00. The Good Old Boys strike again.
And Pajtas also used his authority to let Traverse City court referee Dennis Mikko completely off on child pornography with little explanation and for no apparent reason that I can see. He even made the prosecutor's office pay some of sicko Mikko's attorney fees.
See here:
I don't think that warning the voters about the candidate for prosecutor who was given a free pass for domestic violence because"he is a Charlevoix attorney" can be considered a personal attack or a negative and hurtful attempt to win an election.
We at The Pretty Lie were trying to alert the voters, who are ultimately the losers, about the manipulation of the truth by the media and the Good Old Boys who seemingly control them.
And more on the Good Old Boy Club and Kur's connection with same. From our research:
And then there is this seemingly cozy relationship that she has with the sheriff.
From the article below:
Prosecutor Mary Beth Kur made a phone call that night toCharlevoix County Undersheriff Donald Schneider. The phone call was recorded:
Kur: "(Our son) ended up calling 9-1-1 ....So Bush came out with (Charlevoix City Police Officer) Matt (Umulis)....I don't know Bush very well but if somebody would just please say something about respecting my son's privacy...."
Schneider: "I'll take care of it..."
Kur: "I don't want anything like… I just don't know him well enough to just ask him that..."
Schneider: "I'll take care of Bush..."
We at TPL hope that the next judge would like to raise the bar on standards and not continue with the abuse of power of exhibited by many elected officials here in Northern Michigan.
This voter spoke the sentiments of many voters in the fiasco that was the Jarema - Kur election a few years back.
East Jordan voter Allison MacKay seemed as enthusiastic about voting against Kur as she did for Jarema.
"I'm going to vote her out," MacKay said, as she headed toward the polls.
MacKay said Jarema "seems more honest, straightforward." She said of Kur, "there's too much politics there."
And even more scandal:
It seems that Kur also helped to drive her clients wealthy husband to ruination in this fascinating article from The Northern Express:
Reporter Mitch McKay is correct - the race for 33rd Circuit Court judge is turning out to be a real freak show.
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