From Facebook - Mary Beth Kur for Circuit Judge:
And From The Inbox Of TPL:
On Sunday, January 19, 2014 3:42 PM, Mary Beth Kur <> wrote:
Dear Friends and Family and Colleagues:
I am writing to you to let you know that I intend to run for Circuit Judge in Charlevoix County this year. If you are already aware of this, I apologize for the repetition.
This is a non-partisan position and the election process will involve two separate votes. On August 5th there will be a run off primary election between all the candidates. As of right now, I am aware of 4 lawyers in the race, but there could be many more. The two candidates that come in first and second in the August election will then advance to the November 4th election and the winner of that will be our next Circuit Judge.
My volunteers have already gotten nearly 400 signatures on nominating petitions-more than twice what we need! Within 3 hours of posting our facebook page today, we received over 100 "Likes" That being said, there is still a lot of hard work that needs to be done over the next 6+ months so that I get through the primary election and then win in November.
If you are willing and able to help out with my effort, please let me know. If you do not wish to be bothered with any more emails or updates, let me know that too and I will take you off of our mailing list immediately. This is not a solicitation for financial support. Judicial candidates CANNOT ever request contributions-only their committee may do this after February 15, 2014.
My qualifications and experience and ideas for improving the Court will be set forth on my website that will be launched in early February at
Our Facebook page is at If you "Like" and "share" our page, it would be greatly appreciated. We are on Twitter as well as Mary Beth Kur @MBK4JUDGE Follow us if you want! Lastly, the campaign email address is
Thank you for reading this.
Prosecutor Mary Beth Kur - Charlevoix -
While searching for information regarding the some of the players in The Good Old Boys Club here in Northern Michigan, I found this little tidbit of information that may explain why Kur supported Allen Telgenhof in his bid to become the next Charlevoix County Prosecuting Attorney, in spite of the police coming to his home on two occasions to investigate alleged domestic violence between the Telgenhof's. Read this shameful account for yourself at the link below.
It also may explain the discourse between Jarema and Kur and why they were so adamant about getting Jarema out of office, not matter the consequences to the citizens of Charlevoix County.

According to reports, Deputy Bush transported Kur's son to the hospital. "When talking to the doctor, a statement was made that Stephen Kur had hit his son the night before and attempted to push him down the stairs. It was also stated that both of the parents had been mentally abusive to their son..."
Prosecutor Mary Beth Kur made a phone call that night to Charlevoix County Undersheriff Donald Schneider. The phone call was recorded.
Kur: "(Our son) ended up calling 9-1-1 ....So Bush came out with (Charlevoix City Police Officer) Matt (Umulis)....I don't know Bush very well but if somebody would just please say something about respecting my son's privacy...."
Schneider: "I'll take care of it..."
Kur: "I don't want anything like… I just don't know him well enough to just ask him that..."
Schneider: "I'll take care of Bush..."
On May 21, 2011, Telgenhof’s wife called 911 to report domestic violence on Allen Telgenhof.
His wife’s handwritten statement to the police:
“I was sitting on the livingroom couch and Al came in the living room accusing me of texting an old boyfriend on another telephone. He tackled me on the couch and held me down preventing me from getting my cell phone. He was reaching in my shirt and down in the couch trying to find a cell phone. I tried many, many times to get up and to scream, but Allen kept shoving his hand over my mouth to prevent me from screaming for help. I could not breath. When he would take his hand off my mouth, I would again scream and he put it back on again. He also bit me at least three times. I told him I wanted my phone to call 911 and he prevented me from doing that. He told me he knew the law and that as long as I wasn’t in the process of making a cell call that he would not be in trouble for not letting me have my phone to call 911. I tried to get the phone by kicking it toward me with my foot, but was unable. Many times I was unable to breath. He told me no one would help me. He finally let me up, but would not give me my cell phone to make a 911call. I finally used the house phone.” From the FOIA Request
The 911 tape
PETOSKEY - Former Charlevoix County prosecutor Mary Beth Kur, now a local defense attorney, is seeking to have 90th District Judge Richard May disqualified from hearing her cases, claiming he is biased against her.
"Judge May's dislike is so great, and it has been made so public, that it has effectively prevented (me) from practicing in Judge May's court," Kur said in a motion in a drunken-driving case she handled before May in Emmet County. May also serves as district judge in Charlevoix County.
November 30, 2004
Record-Eagle staff writer
Nov 27, 2004
CHARLEVOIX - The six-member Charlevoix Circuit Court jury found that former Charlevoix County prosecutor Mary Beth Kur "constructively discharged" her former employees Sandra Ward and Jacqueline Rozema through abusive behavior that created intolerable working conditions in the office, and awarded them approximately $500,000 each in damages.
Record-Eagle staff writer
CHARLEVOIX - Charlevoix County Prosecutor Mary Beth Kur fired her then-chief deputy, John Jarema, two years ago.
Now it's Jarema who will likely be taking over the prosecutor's job, and it's Kur leaving office.
Jarema stunned his incumbent former boss in Tuesday's Republican primary, winning a narrow victory.
Jarema outpaced Kur 2,825-2,661 with only Eveline Township not reporting late Tuesday.
Jarema will be the overwhelming favorite against Green Party prosecutor candidate Ellis Boal in the Nov. 2 general election.
Kur said she called Jarema's home telephone late Tuesday night and left a message on his answering machine, conceding defeat. Attempts to reach Jarema for comment late Tuesday were unsuccessful.
The Kur-Jarema campaign was one of the most interesting - and contentious - of all the northern Michigan primary races.
Jarema received a $50,000 settlement from the county last year after filing a whistleblower's lawsuit claiming he was fired as he attempted to expose alleged corruption and mismanagement in Kur's office. Kur consistently denied any wrongdoing.
"I just decided at the beginning this that I was going to take the high road, run a positive campaign," she said. "That's what we did and I'm happy with that, although I'm not happy with the result."
"I'm going to vote her out," MacKay said, as she headed toward the polls.
MacKay said Jarema "seems more honest, straightforward." She said of
It also may explain the discourse between Jarema and Kur and why they were so adamant about getting Jarema out of office, not matter the consequences to the citizens of Charlevoix County.
Read More:
And Here:
Please note: After posting this information the first time, I received an unsigned letter post marked from Grand Rapids. I call it Wendy's Mysterious Letter and I will post it soon. It included documents marked confidential from the sheriff department. Hmm..Who could have access to that information?
The writer was trying to convince me that I has more in common with Mary Beth Kur due to both of our son's involvement and experiences with the mental health community. I can see nothing similar since my son was confined to a mental institution at age 11 and she called in a favor to the sheriff to keep her problems under the radar. Read the story below.

On May 10, 2004, Charlevoix Sheriff Deputy John Bush Jr. responded to a 911 call at the home of Charlevoix County Prosecutor Mary Beth Kur
According to reports, Deputy Bush transported Kur's son to the hospital. "When talking to the doctor, a statement was made that Stephen Kur had hit his son the night before and attempted to push him down the stairs. It was also stated that both of the parents had been mentally abusive to their son..."
Prosecutor Mary Beth Kur made a phone call that night to Charlevoix County Undersheriff Donald Schneider. The phone call was recorded.
Kur: "(Our son) ended up calling 9-1-1 ....So Bush came out with (Charlevoix City Police Officer) Matt (Umulis)....I don't know Bush very well but if somebody would just please say something about respecting my son's privacy...."
Schneider: "I'll take care of it..."
Kur: "I don't want anything like… I just don't know him well enough to just ask him that..."
Schneider: "I'll take care of Bush..."
Mary Beth Kur was an official endorser of current Charlevoix County prosecutor Allen Telgenhof.
The Eight Officials Who Endorsed Telgenhof
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Open Letter To The Supporters Of Charlevoix County Prosecuting Attorney Allen Telgehof
On May 21, 2011, Telgenhof’s wife called 911 to report domestic violence on Allen Telgenhof.
His wife’s handwritten statement to the police:
“I was sitting on the livingroom couch and Al came in the living room accusing me of texting an old boyfriend on another telephone. He tackled me on the couch and held me down preventing me from getting my cell phone. He was reaching in my shirt and down in the couch trying to find a cell phone. I tried many, many times to get up and to scream, but Allen kept shoving his hand over my mouth to prevent me from screaming for help. I could not breath. When he would take his hand off my mouth, I would again scream and he put it back on again. He also bit me at least three times. I told him I wanted my phone to call 911 and he prevented me from doing that. He told me he knew the law and that as long as I wasn’t in the process of making a cell call that he would not be in trouble for not letting me have my phone to call 911. I tried to get the phone by kicking it toward me with my foot, but was unable. Many times I was unable to breath. He told me no one would help me. He finally let me up, but would not give me my cell phone to make a 911call. I finally used the house phone.” From the FOIA Request
The 911 tape
And this article.
Kur says local judge biased
She wants him removed from her cases
PETOSKEY - Former Charlevoix County prosecutor Mary Beth Kur, now a local defense attorney, is seeking to have 90th District Judge Richard May disqualified from hearing her cases, claiming he is biased against her.
"Judge May's dislike is so great, and it has been made so public, that it has effectively prevented (me) from practicing in Judge May's court," Kur said in a motion in a drunken-driving case she handled before May in Emmet County. May also serves as district judge in Charlevoix County.
Sheriff Lasater and Charlevoix County sued by former deputy sheriff under state Whistleblowers' Act
November 30, 2004
County, sheriff named in lawsuit
Former deputy: Kur incident led to his firing
Former deputy: Kur incident led to his firing
Record-Eagle staff writer
Nov 27, 2004
“Local crime spree includes assault, stolen cars and public nudity”
December 04, 2012|Benjamin Gohs - Boyne City Gazette
Charlevoix resident Alexander Patrick Kur, 25, was recently charged with multiple alleged crimes ranging from assault and public nudity to theft of two vehicles, fleeing from police and speeding.
According to a Charlevoix County Sheriff Office affidavit of probable cause, as detailed in the Boyne City Gazette, the events began on Nov. 23
According to a Charlevoix County Sheriff Office affidavit of probable cause, as detailed in the Boyne City Gazette, the events began on Nov. 23
After son charged with multiple felonies- Kur and secretary give $500 each to Telgenhof- who will prosecute the case.
Jarema almost didn’t get to this position of power. His problems with former prosecutor Mary Beth Kur are legendary. He signed on as her assistant prosecutor in 1995 and became her chief assistant prosecutor in 1999. But over time, he questioned her work ethic. He felt that many of those in her office weren’t working full days and began recording the offending employees’ actual hours. She confiscated his notes just before firing him in February of 2002. She defended the move, saying that his attacks on her were destroying the morale of the office,
He filed a whistleblower’s lawsuit against the county, which resulted in a judgment before the case went to trial. The county agreed to a stipulated judgment against itself and a $50,000 payment to Jarema. Kur said she didn’t support the decision to settle, which she said was pushed by the county’s insurance company.
Vindicated, Jarema decided to run against Kur for the position of prosecutor in 2004. He narrowly won the primary in August, and had no real contest against a Green party candidate in the November election.
Kur, knowing that Jarema would replace her, left him a good-bye gift. Her budget for the next year proposed a $63,000 salary, about $20,000 less than what she was earning. She also proposed big reductions for his support staff: $40,000 for the position of chief assistant prosecutor, down from $56,100, and $32,000 for the assistant prosecutors’ salaries, an $8,000 cut.
Five of the six commissioners, who openly endorsed and campaigned for Kur, approved the $63,000 salary. Fortunately, Jarema and his supporters persuaded the commissioners to raise his salary to $74,000.
“Sour grapes would describe the situation and I am still digging out of the hole. It was a mess,” he said, referring to other problems with a notebook computer and missing legal books. “On a side note, three of the six commissioners were just defeated so I will have a new board to work with. It should be better.”
Jarema almost didn’t get to this position of power. His problems with former prosecutor Mary Beth Kur are legendary. He signed on as her assistant prosecutor in 1995 and became her chief assistant prosecutor in 1999. But over time, he questioned her work ethic. He felt that many of those in her office weren’t working full days and began recording the offending employees’ actual hours. She confiscated his notes just before firing him in February of 2002. She defended the move, saying that his attacks on her were destroying the morale of the office,
He filed a whistleblower’s lawsuit against the county, which resulted in a judgment before the case went to trial. The county agreed to a stipulated judgment against itself and a $50,000 payment to Jarema. Kur said she didn’t support the decision to settle, which she said was pushed by the county’s insurance company.
Vindicated, Jarema decided to run against Kur for the position of prosecutor in 2004. He narrowly won the primary in August, and had no real contest against a Green party candidate in the November election.
Kur, knowing that Jarema would replace her, left him a good-bye gift. Her budget for the next year proposed a $63,000 salary, about $20,000 less than what she was earning. She also proposed big reductions for his support staff: $40,000 for the position of chief assistant prosecutor, down from $56,100, and $32,000 for the assistant prosecutors’ salaries, an $8,000 cut.
Five of the six commissioners, who openly endorsed and campaigned for Kur, approved the $63,000 salary. Fortunately, Jarema and his supporters persuaded the commissioners to raise his salary to $74,000.
“Sour grapes would describe the situation and I am still digging out of the hole. It was a mess,” he said, referring to other problems with a notebook computer and missing legal books. “On a side note, three of the six commissioners were just defeated so I will have a new board to work with. It should be better.”
Since its inception, the Domestic Violence Homicide Prevention Unit has prosecuted more than 3,615 cases, resulting in more than 3,220 convictions.
The unit consists of the following Special Assistant Attorney Generals (SAAG's):
- SAAG Kerry Zahnder, serving Charlevoix, Cheboygan, and Emmet counties.
- SAAG Erin House, serving Leelanau, Grand Traverse and Antrim counties.
- SAAG James Deamud, serving Otsego, Roscommon, and Ogemaw counties.
"I would also like to thank the following Prosecuting Attorneys for joining with my office in order to fight domestic violence: Charles Koop, Antrim County; John Jarema, Charlevoix County; Mickey Castagne, Cheboygan County; James Linderman, Emmett County; Al Schneider, Grand Traverse County; Joseph Hubbell, Leelanau County; LaDonna Schultz, Ogemaw County; Kyle Legel, Otsego County; and Mark Jernigan, Roscommon County," continued Cox. "By working together, our offices will continue to target those who commit domestic violence
BELLAIRE - A judge dismissed whistleblower lawsuits against Charlevoix County and Prosecutor Mary Beth Kur filed by two employees in Kur's office.
Victims assistance coordinator Sandra Ward and office manager Jacqueline Rozema alleged in their lawsuits that they were subject to retaliation and a hostile work environment after giving depositions in another whistleblower lawsuit filed by Kur's former chief deputy prosecutor, John Jarema, in 2003.
Thirteenth Circuit Judge Thomas Power ruled Monday that Ward and Rozema's whistleblower suits missed a key element - they hadn't been fired or hadn't resigned from their jobs because of adverse work conditions. Both remain employees of the prosecutor's office on medical leave.
Victims assistance coordinator Sandra Ward and office manager Jacqueline Rozema alleged in their lawsuits that they were subject to retaliation and a hostile work environment after giving depositions in another whistleblower lawsuit filed by Kur's former chief deputy prosecutor, John Jarema, in 2003.
Thirteenth Circuit Judge Thomas Power ruled Monday that Ward and Rozema's whistleblower suits missed a key element - they hadn't been fired or hadn't resigned from their jobs because of adverse work conditions. Both remain employees of the prosecutor's office on medical leave.
Kur said she was pleased with the lawsuit dismissals.
"I have believed from the start that these lawsuits had no merit," she said. "Now it's time to move forward. I've got a job to do. I've been doing it, and I will continue to keep on doing it."
Ward and Rozema declined to comment Monday. Parsons said he would appeal the judge's ruling, indicating he believes Power erred in requiring a firing or resignation.
"The judge has issued new law in the Whistleblower Protection Act," he said. "Kur got off on a technicality."
"I have believed from the start that these lawsuits had no merit," she said. "Now it's time to move forward. I've got a job to do. I've been doing it, and I will continue to keep on doing it."
Ward and Rozema declined to comment Monday. Parsons said he would appeal the judge's ruling, indicating he believes Power erred in requiring a firing or resignation.
"The judge has issued new law in the Whistleblower Protection Act," he said. "Kur got off on a technicality."
Former Charlevoix County workers Ward, Rozema, awarded $500,000 each
CHARLEVOIX - The six-member Charlevoix Circuit Court jury found that former Charlevoix County prosecutor Mary Beth Kur "constructively discharged" her former employees Sandra Ward and Jacqueline Rozema through abusive behavior that created intolerable working conditions in the office, and awarded them approximately $500,000 each in damages.
More from this blog on Mrs. Kur:
Charlevoix County lost a $50,000 judgment to whistleblower John Jarema, who was fired after reporting fraud by then Charlevoix Prosecutor Mary Beth Kur. In a later ruling, Kur was found responsible for harassing two secretaries who had testified on Jarema’s behalf, and the county lost a $1.1 million verdict. After settling that verdict, the county re-retaliated by canceling one of the secretary’s health benefits. She filed a new lawsuit, which the county recently settled for “under $300,000.”
Charlevoix County lost a $50,000 judgment to whistleblower John Jarema, who was fired after reporting fraud by then Charlevoix Prosecutor Mary Beth Kur. In a later ruling, Kur was found responsible for harassing two secretaries who had testified on Jarema’s behalf, and the county lost a $1.1 million verdict. After settling that verdict, the county re-retaliated by canceling one of the secretary’s health benefits. She filed a new lawsuit, which the county recently settled for “under $300,000.”
Charlevoix prosecutor loses to former employee
John Jarema won lawsuit against Mary Beth Kur
By KEITH MATHENYRecord-Eagle staff writer
CHARLEVOIX - Charlevoix County Prosecutor Mary Beth Kur fired her then-chief deputy, John Jarema, two years ago.
Now it's Jarema who will likely be taking over the prosecutor's job, and it's Kur leaving office.
Jarema stunned his incumbent former boss in Tuesday's Republican primary, winning a narrow victory.
Jarema outpaced Kur 2,825-2,661 with only Eveline Township not reporting late Tuesday.
Jarema will be the overwhelming favorite against Green Party prosecutor candidate Ellis Boal in the Nov. 2 general election.
Kur said she called Jarema's home telephone late Tuesday night and left a message on his answering machine, conceding defeat. Attempts to reach Jarema for comment late Tuesday were unsuccessful.
The Kur-Jarema campaign was one of the most interesting - and contentious - of all the northern Michigan primary races.
Jarema received a $50,000 settlement from the county last year after filing a whistleblower's lawsuit claiming he was fired as he attempted to expose alleged corruption and mismanagement in Kur's office. Kur consistently denied any wrongdoing.
Quotes from above article, "Kur /Jarema Election
Kur heavily outpaced Jarema in campaign fund-raising. She declined to speculate on the reason for her ouster.
"I just decided at the beginning this that I was going to take the high road, run a positive campaign," she said. "That's what we did and I'm happy with that, although I'm not happy with the result."
And This:
East Jordan voter Allison MacKay seemed as enthusiastic about voting against Kur as she did for Jarema.
"I'm going to vote her out," MacKay said, as she headed toward the polls.
MacKay said Jarema "seems more honest, straightforward." She said of
Kur, "there's too much politics there."
And lastly, we have been told by a reliable source that within days of Wayne Wynkoop's tragic suicide, Mary Beth Kur submitted a FOIA request for poor Wayne's autopsy. We are trying to figure out why.
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