From: Wendy Beal <>
Date: Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 1:32 PM
Subject: Charlevoix County baseball coach Allen Telgenhof' suitability to mentor area youth
To:,,,, Richard Joseph <>,,
To the Char-Em School Board,
I sent you the email below nearly a month ago and I am disappointed that I did not receive a response from one board member. I know that you received my message because I received an email from Lisa Schrock regarding the school board meeting February 17th. Was I supposed to attend?
Many readers of our blog have asked what, if anything, is being done by the school board in regards to looking into our allegations against Mr. Telgenhof and his questionable behavior in the community. So far I have told them that I am apparently being ignored for some reason.
I am now respectfully requesting each board member reply to me and explain their individual position on Mr. Telgenhof and his suitability as a mentor for impressionable youth.
To paraphrase a statement from Mr. Telgenhof regarding Mr. Jarema, I feel that the school board's silence and inaction in this matter indicates that Char-Em condones this behavior and the board does not care that they are providing the kids with a very poor role model.
"By bringing him into the classroom you condone his behavior and are providing the kids with a very poor example of an attorney and public official."
"I do believe this goes beyond politics."
Does this matter go beyond politics? It seems that the board is more concerned with tip-toeing around Charlevoix County's illegitimate prosecuting attorney than they are in sparing the kids from a hot head who physically assaults his wife(my opinion only). This is only one of many things that Mr. Telgenhof has gotten away with in the recent past.
I think that I clearly spelled it all out in the email below, complete with factual documents, yet the board can't believe their own eyes. How can you not see anything wrong with this guy's behavior?
It is disturbing to me that nobody finds the documented assault abnormal or the system immoral for allowing him to get elected in the first place.
It isn't right that the board is giving him a free pass to continue working with children in spite of his documented violence directed towards his wife.
I sure hope the kids don't lose a game and have to endure the insanity that he displayed when he assaulted his wife and stabbed his couch to death. He wasn't even drinking and I find his behavior even more frightening since he was "in his right mind" when the 911 call was made by his wife.
I hope that each board member responds to me with their position on Mr. Telgenhof. There are more voters who are not in The Good Old Boy Club than there are in. The board should keep that in mind when I tell them that our readers from Charlevoix aren't happy with how this is being handled (or not handled).
We think that the parents should apprised of the situation so that they can decide if they really want their kids around this guy. Since the school board wants to pretend it is alright for Mr. Telgenhof to conduct himself like that we may have to step things up and hold a peaceful protest, complete with picket signs, at all of the home games. It is wrong to stay silent on something as serious as this and we are not going to go away.
As a victim of domestic violence, I find it hard to have any respect for him after he assaulted his wife and most mother's wouldn't be impressed, either.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Wendy Beal
To the Char-Em School Board,
I am writing to you regarding you current baseball coach Allen Telgenhof and his suitability as a role model for impressionable youth. I do not think that you could have picked a worse example for our students to emulate.
I am part of a blog project exposing corruption in government and elsewhere and Mr. Telgenhof, in my opinion, is unfit to serve as prosecutor or coach.
I recently submitted a FOIA request to Char-Em and received a packet of information from the district. It was revealed that Mr. Telgenhof nearly involved the school district in litigation over some team shirts that weren't paid for. Hi ha ha attitude about this serious matter should put the school board on alert that something isn't quite right with this guy.
We have blogged extensively about what we see as deficiencies in Mr. Telgenhof's character. Examples of this would include two calls to the Telgenhof's residence regarding domestic violence - one in Antrim County (nobody was arrested) and again in Charlevoix County. Erin House, special prosecutor for the Attorney General in Antrim County was assigned to investigate ,but apparently she didn't think there was enough evidence to prosecute Mr. Telgenhof. (?) You be the judge.
Just because he didn't get in trouble it doesn't mean that he didn't do anything wrong. See Mrs. Telgenhof's handwritten statement to police.
On May 21, 2011, Telgenhof’s wife called 911 to report domestic violence on Allen Telgenhof.
His wife’s handwritten statement to the police:
“I was sitting on the livingroom couch and Al came in the living room accusing me of texting an old boyfriend on another telephone. He tackled me on the couch and held me down preventing me from getting my cell phone. He was reaching in my shirt and down in the couch trying to find a cell phone. I tried many, many times to get up and to scream, but Allen kept shoving his hand over my mouth to prevent me from screaming for help. I could not breath. When he would take his hand off my mouth, I would again scream and he put it back on again. He also bit me at least three times. I told him I wanted my phone to call 911 and he prevented me from doing that. He told me he knew the law and that as long as I wasn’t in the process of making a cell call that he would not be in trouble for not letting me have my phone to call 911. I tried to get the phone by kicking it toward me with my foot, but was unable. Many times I was unable to breath. He told me no one would help me. He finally let me up, but would not give me my cell phone to make a 911call. I finally used the house phone.” From the FOIA Request
The 911 tape
His wife’s handwritten statement to the police:
“I was sitting on the livingroom couch and Al came in the living room accusing me of texting an old boyfriend on another telephone. He tackled me on the couch and held me down preventing me from getting my cell phone. He was reaching in my shirt and down in the couch trying to find a cell phone. I tried many, many times to get up and to scream, but Allen kept shoving his hand over my mouth to prevent me from screaming for help. I could not breath. When he would take his hand off my mouth, I would again scream and he put it back on again. He also bit me at least three times. I told him I wanted my phone to call 911 and he prevented me from doing that. He told me he knew the law and that as long as I wasn’t in the process of making a cell call that he would not be in trouble for not letting me have my phone to call 911. I tried to get the phone by kicking it toward me with my foot, but was unable. Many times I was unable to breath. He told me no one would help me. He finally let me up, but would not give me my cell phone to make a 911call. I finally used the house phone.” From the FOIA Request
The 911 tape
I do believe this goes beyond politics. Schools need to be careful who they invite in and provide forum to. By bringing him into the classroom you condone his behavior and are providing the kids with a very poor example of an attorney and public official.
Thank you for you attention to this serious matter.Please forward to any board members that I may have overlooked.
Wendy L. Beal
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