I am a retired US Federal Supervisor with thirty rears of service. I have five children and eight grand children. I moved to a small town in Northern Michigan. I did this to get my teenage triplets out of harms way. We lived in big cities on the west coast. Lots of drugs and gangs. We moved intofarming country. My youngest son Nathan got involved with younger local kids who were running amok. They were into drugs yes even in this small community. No gangs but they had little groups of kids doing stupid things. This community is run by the Judge with a iron fist. Kind of like what you would see in the old days down south. My son Nathan was soon in jail for some thing in a bigger city would have not happened. While in jail Nathan was found hanging from the bars of the drunk tank on Dec. 24, 2002. He had been hanging for between 13 and 17 minutes. He was given back to us in a coma with no expectation of living. Nathan had a strong to live an so he came out of this coma with extreme brain trauma. Nathan had a live expectancy of five years. A video tape showing this hanging was in the custody of the jail. When my friend and Attorney went to get a copy of the tape it was gone. We filled a Federal Lawsuit and we won it. Nathan was living in a facility that worked with people who had brain trauma. If we had left him in that facility he would be dead by now. We took him home and he now lives with us for how ever long that might be. His and our lives have never been the same. We should have immediately moved out of that area but we did not want anyone pushing us away.
READ MORE: http://kellidgordonlibertyblog.wordpress.com/2014/08/12/one-example-of-child-abuse-by-michigan-state-courts-and-dhs/
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